I can't decide if it's out of sheer, morbid curiosity, or if I am legitimately addicted to my scale.
**But now, a rant.**
I had a lengthy blog post planned regarding frequent weighing, and how I'm ridiculous and step on my scale out of habit like 5 times a day, because I'm weird and I love to weigh myself.
Instead, I bring you this:
I hate this graphic SO MUCH. |
I found this image while searching for suitable stock photos or memes to use for this blog entry.
For some reason, it made me irrationally angry.
Does the number on the scale immediately make you feel the need to exercise? If it does, exercise is your punishment for being "fat," and that is seriously messed up. First of all, being "fat" is NOT SOMETHING THAT DESERVES PUNISHMENT. It is a state of being. Lots of people on this wonderful earth are fat, and they do not deserve punishment simply for being fat, or eating bad food, or gaining a pound.
STOP USING EXERCISE AS A PUNISHMENT FOR "BAD" BEHAVIOR! Exercise, while not always fun, shouldn't be used that way. How do you expect to enjoy an activity when you feel like you have to do it because you were "bad?" Exercise is an amazing privilege. Even when I am silently cursing my trainer for making me do those Roman chair ab thingies that make my shoulders scream and I look like a moron, at least a teeny, tiny part of me is glad I can use my limbs (however feebly) to do them (like 4 of them at a time, on a good day...but still). Every time I am forced to run, I hate it so fucking much. My shins hurt, my hip hurts, I get out of breath. It's awful. But guess what, I can move one leg in front of the other. Tons of people probably wish they could run, and can't. So I'm going to suffer through it and then appreciate that I did it. Even though it's the worst thing ever.
Gah. I hate that frickin image so much I could spit.
This is more like it. Enjoy your body and USE IT! |
This, I love. Don't take it for granted, indeed.
My apologies if this entry makes no sense...I was absolutely hell-bent on writing about frequent weighing and why I think it's the devil but I love it so much...but that image just struck a chord with me and I couldn't stop myself.
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