Friday, April 10, 2015

In response to the responses...

So, my last entry seriously pissed some people off, apparently.  

And I'm sorry about that.

Not for what I wrote.  Not to sound like a petulant child, but this is my blog and I will write as I see fit.  It will always be my opinion and my experiences, not yours.  If you disagree with what I'm saying, that's cool (and to be expected...if we were all the same, the world would be pretty dang dull).  Start your own blog and write whatever the hell you want.  Heck, start a blog about how stupid I am and how I know nothing about meal replacement products.  I'm sure you'd get quite a few followers.


PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE ALERT:  If my "slamming" your beloved meal replacements upsets you so much that you need to write me a nasty Facebook message about it, I urge you to check your priorities.  That goes for all of you who felt the need to send me messages, or wrote posts about me...even if you were "clever" enough to do it passive-aggressively (without mentioning me by name).  You know who you are.  

Is my opinion about meal replacements really THAT important to you?  Honestly?

Are your meal replacements really worth attacking someone over?  

Are they really?  


Because they're meal replacements and I'm a human.  I'm just saying.  That's messed up.  I mean, I know I tipped your sacred cow...but dang.

To close, let me quote myself directly from the blog that pissed people off so very much:

If you choose to drink/eat this stuff, more power to you!  I've just been asked repeatedly why I don't, and growing increasingly frustrated with all the propaganda that comes my way from well-meaning friends.  Just like the clothes you wear, totally your choice.  Just 100% not for me. :)

Totally your choice.  More power to you.  Just 

100% not for me.  The end.


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