Saturday, June 27, 2015


I actually hate this stock photo.  But I'll get to that in a second...

Choice is a beautiful, terrifying thing.  I'm able to say that it's terrifying because it's something I, as a white, straight, cisgender, American, educated woman, am able to take for granted.  A LOT.  Not to get political on you, but holy shit, I have some serious privilege and associated guilt.  Given the state of the world, I guess I'd rather have the guilt than not have the privilege, and it's crap to have to think that way.

Moving on...

Some of the choices we have to make are easy.  Do I go to work today or stay in my sweatpants watching Netflix?  Well, unless you are ill or have agoraphobia, you will probably make the decision to go to work.  Unless you don't like gainful employment, of course (no judgement).

Some are more difficult.  Where will I go to college?  What do I want to be when I "grow up?"  Do I want children?  If so, how many?  Who will I vote for (this may be easy or difficult depending on who's running)?

Some choices should be easy, but can challenge us (me) sometimes (a lot).

Will I eat this candy or won't I?
Will I work out today, or will I stay in my sweatpants watching Netflix (I like Netflix, ok?)?
Will I have all of the garlic naan ever made when I go out to dinner with my BFF?
Will I have a glass of water, or will I have a third latte?

The struggle is real, y'all.

There is a reason I get annoyed (somewhat secretly, but I'm not THAT good at hiding it) when people say they "slipped up" on their healthy eating and exercise is because it's not a slip up.  It's not an accident.  Nobody hog-tied you and forced you to eat Doritos all day (I hope).  You didn't lose your footing and fall mouth first into a pan of brownies.  The gym didn't secretly pack up and move to a different part of town without telling you.

It's not a slip up.  It's not a mistake.  It's a choice.  You may not even realize it.

I recently read an article (and no, I won't cite it, because I can't even remember where/when exactly I saw it) that said "discipline is prioritizing what you want most of all over what you want right now."  Truer words have never been spoken.  It doesn't just apply to health and fitness, it applies to everything we do.

I couldn't find the original quote, but this is close enough.  You get the idea.  Also, don't tell me what to do, Silhouette Person.  You don't know my life!
I've written about priorities before.  I'll probably write about priorities again, because it's something I constantly have to remind myself of.  I have several priorities in my life that are constantly competing for the top position.  Work, school, my marriage, my friends, my family, Taco, home maintenance, my health.

For the first time in a long time, my health usually wins the top spot.  Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes, for example, I wake up at 5am absolutely frickin exhausted.  The night before, school was my priority and I stayed up studying until midnight.  Today, as much as I would like for my personal health to be the priority and go back to bed to rest, work needs to win because I'm scheduled to be in at 6 and SURPRISE, adulthood is no fun sometimes!

Today, I probably should have worked out, but I prioritized my friends and social relationships and went out to lunch instead.

Do I feel badly about it?  Meh, tomorrow's a new day, the gym will still be there.  And it's a choice I made.  Consciously.  Deliberately.  They did not kidnap me and take me to Basil Cafe (although truthfully, I would LOVE that).  There's no excuse, there's just what happened.  The choice I made.  And it was worth it.

I also don't like to think of it as "good choices" and "bad choices."  Maybe "better choices" and "not as great" choices?  I don't know how to phrase it.  But I feel like calling it a bad choice shames us for what we do.  And I am not hopping on that train.  Are our less than spectacular choices what define us?  NO.  So why do we shame ourselves for them?

You can choose to spend your time excusing your "slip ups" or "cheating" or "mistakes" on your fitness journey.  But I can almost guarantee, you will begin to feel badly about them.

What I've chosen to do is to own my choices, without apologies or excuses.  For me, this is the best (only) way to forward movement, progress, and growth.  It gives me the freedom to do what I want with the pride I feel whenever I make a choice that improves my life.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

The times they are a-changin'

It's time for a transition.  A new start.  New adventures.  A change.  *BARF*
Pictured above: ME
So.  My trainer is done training.  He's moved on to explore different opportunities.  I knew it was coming (thank god he weaned me off of his services by cutting his schedule down first).  I've been waiting for this day for a few weeks, and I've anticipated being a sad panda about it.


Surprisingly, I'm not a wreck.  I'm actually feeling really good, and way more optimistic than I thought I would be.  Especially considering how anxious I am.  I thrive on routine and "change" is a big fat scary boogeyman (unless I instigate the change, of course).

My being okay with this transition is no reflection on my trainer.  Pretty sure he was frickin AWESOME and changed my life in ways I never could have or would have on my own.  Buuuuuut...

Sometimes change is a good thing.  Changing up my routine.  Changing up my guidance.  Exploring new mentors and new methods and new places.  But a lot of change can lead to stress.  Especially for an anxious little bee like myself.

In addition to my trainer leaving...

My trusty, rusty Toyota finally went to the big scrap heap in the sky.  It's been sitting in a parking lot at Van's service for a week, waiting to be pitifully hauled away.  Because of this...

My husband had to get a new job.  Which is stressful for both him AND me.  Also...

It's the beginning of a new semester.  Which means ten tons of work and no time for funsies.  And...

We have so much mandatory overtime at work right now it's not even cool.

What's the point?  Am I looking for sympathy?  Empathy?  A getaway car?

Nope, just wanted to say, as much as I hate change, and sometimes transitions can suck it, I'm handling this pretty well.

And, cornball as it seems, I feel like, in large part, it has to do with my new habits.

I eliminate stress by moving my body (exercise) or sitting completely still (meditating) and if all else fails, I take a nap.  In the past, I stifled my emotions and bottled up my stress by eating or getting drunk (or smoking stuff).  Not the awesome-ist plan ever, and really stupid when you remember that I'm an educated person.

So thanks again to my lovely health gurus.  Without your guidance, I'd be navigating all this change and transition with gin and Funyuns instead of deadlifts and cardio and naps and guided meditation.

Everyone knows deadlifts are more fun than gin, anyways.  And I can't wait until my new trainer makes me do them until I swear at her. :)

Saturday, June 6, 2015


Lots of people have asked over the past year, why I don't make a public facebook page like Sunshine's Journey, LoseitconKatie, PrissyMelissa, etc.  This post should explain everything...

I want to talk for a minute about bullying.

Specifically, cyberbullying.  Among adults.  Ugh.

About two years ago, I posted a comment on a blog.  The topic of the blog was basically "fat people are disgusting, are responsible for the downfall of society, and should all be killed."  It was titled something else, but those comments/sentiments were all present in the blog entry.  I'd link it, but about two months after that, the woman thankfully took down all her hateful social media accounts and dismantled her blog.  Hooray!

However, before that, she took it upon herself to try to "ruin" me.  She read my comment, used my Facebook and Instagram accounts (both set as privately as possible, btw) to find out my full name, city, and employer, and set apart attempting to destroy my life.  She sent an email to the customer service department at my workplace claiming that I'd sent her death threats (not true) and that I was using company time to harass and defame her (also not true).  She posted links to my etsy site, facebook, instragram, and a twitter account that I started and then used twice in like 2007 on her twitter and blog.  She threatened to post my address and send her "fans" after me.  She threatened to sue me and call the frickin Inspector General's office to have my nursing license revoked.  Thank god for timestamps and my company having common sense, or one simple, innocuous comment on a blog post could have had serious consequences for my career and life.

I changed all my internet personas to my fake stripper name.

Fast forward two years.

I've been following a lot of weight loss related Facebook and Instagram "celebrities" (I don't know what other word to use).  They are a kind of support system for me, which is why I follow them.  They bravely share their journeys with the world at large, and may suffer because of it.  People can be downright hateful.

One, in particular, was the victim of such hatred this very week.

Her name is Stasia2point0, and she lives in AZ.  Over the past several months, she has lost almost 100lb from her starting weight of 500lb.  She has had some financial troubles, which she posts about from time to time.  Some of her followers have taken it upon themselves to help her financially.  COMPLETELY THEIR CHOICE.  Recently, someone started a gofundme campaign to get her a new computer so she can start a youtube channel.  I have to be honest, this elicited the biggest eyeroll of my life (seriously...a $2600 Macbook to make youtube videos?  Come on...) but it was not her doing.  It was one of her followers.  If they want to get her a fancy ass computer, more power to them!

Another website of forums about bloggers got wind of this and went apeshit crazy.  It started innocently enough...people expressed annoyance that she talks about her financial problems so much and felt she was grifting for gifts and money.  While i have to admit, on a fitness page, the constant talk of financial needs gets annoying, money problems are part of general wellness, and it's her page, she can post what she damn well pleases.  When it gets overwhelming, I just don't visit her page for a few days. That's the beauty of the internet, and life in general...ignore shit you don't like and move the hell on.

Anyway, the forum then dissolved into people questioning her honesty.  Fair enough, I can imagine being skeptical of someone you don't know...but why waste your time speculating about it?

And then it further spiraled into people pulling her accounts from dating websites and commenting on her body, calling her names, critiquing her progress and whether it was good enough or fast enough, and basically tearing her down to make themselves feel good.

How, I ask you, HOW IS THAT PRODUCTIVE?  Don't people have anything better to do with their time than call someone fat and make them feel sad?  Dudes...Stasia knows she's got weight to lose, that's why she's on this health/fitness journey.

Do I agree with everything the woman has ever done or said?  No.  Does that matter?  Not really.  Does it justify calling her names and being hateful?  HELL TO THE NO.  I wouldn't wish what happened to her this week upon my worst enemy.  Whether or not she is right in her actions, nobody deserves to be the subject of ridicule.

With the backlash from a blog post that I wrote about 6 weeks ago about nutritional supplements, I can't imagine how much worse it would have been if I'd had a public page or advertised/professional blog.  The few assholes I got negativity and namecalling from could have (would have) been hundreds.  I get down on myself enough without outside help, thankyouverymuch.

The moral of the story:

-My journey is for me and me alone.  Yes, it makes me feel good when people say I motivate or inspire them, but that's not what this is about.
-I hope Stasia doesn't let this event tear her down.  She is currently taking a social media hiatus and I hope, as it was for me, the hiatus is what she needs to remember why she is doing this and what really matters.  And that she doesn't let this setback define her journey.

Have a MAGNIFICENT day! :)