Questions I have and things that will happen to you after you start working out (and by you, I mean me):
1) Why didn't anybody tell me that workouts are AMAZING for rage management? I should probably preface this by saying I don't generally have rage issues, I'm not an extraordinarily angry person. But there are a very select few people on earth that I hate with the fire of a thousand suns. Slamming a (conveniently head-shaped but quite sizeable) medicine ball into the ground repeatedly as I silently curse their very names is so very therapeutic.
Attention assholes: This is your stupid head. I will drop it like 4th period French. |
Hint: it's this. I fucking HATE this shit. |
3) You will secretly know that #2 is for your own good. Dammit.
6) Why in the holy hell did nobody share this secret with me: eating well is 1 billion times easier when you exercise regularly? Going into it, the thought is "man, I have to focus on TWO life changes, not just one." It seems pretty daunting. The reality is; when you sweat your everloving ass off, you don't want to fuck it up and/or waste your time by going home and eating crap. I'm actually kind of pissed about this one (not really...but also...yeah).
7) On a similar note, you will start to crave meat like a caveman. Even though you are a vegetarian and haven't had meat in about 2 years, and the butchering/prep process grosses you out to no will still want meat. Dammit.
This will be you. |
8) You will become a huge dork who blogs about working out.
I dig the dorkness! Definitely agree with #2...BUT #5....burpees....well I LOVE burpees! They do amazing things for your body! ;) Keep up the AWESOMENESS!!!