Saturday, June 21, 2014


On days that I don't get a chance to work out (which are few and far between), I feel icky.  As much as I don't always enjoy what my trainer makes me do (Push ups and squats, thanks but no thanks), I always love the way it makes me feel.

I've discovered ways to make the unpleasant things more pleasant.

For example:

Fat Amy/Fat Patricia knows what's UP.

Cardio.  I hate cardio with the fire of a thousand suns.  I feel guilty walking on a treadmill when I could be at home walking Taco (sadly, in order to make that even close to a workout, we need to walk for like 2 hours because that fool is SO SLOW...he has to stop, sniff, and pee on every tree, building, hedge, and hydrant we pass).  I get bored on bikes and elliptical trainers, because my attention span is about that of a 3-year-old.  My one saving grace?

The Walking Dead.  I love The Walking Dead.  Since Jeff isn't a fan, it's now my elliptical 45-minute episode is a decent cardio workout (God bless Netflix).  Plus, I turn it into a game, which I highly suggest.

1) Every time Rick says "Carl, get in the house!" - 1 minute sprint

2) Every time someone shouts "Walkers!" - resistance increases by 1
3) Every time Lori does something annoying - incline increases by 1  This is subjective but happens a lot because I HATE Lori...of course, now she's dead (I'm only midway through season 3) so number three, from this point forward, will be something probably related to the Governor or his creepy town.  Or maybe Daryl, because DAY-UMN.

Sorry, Jeff, but it's true.
4) Every time a walker gets stabbed or shot in the head - backwards for 1 minute
5) Every time Merle stabs someone with his sword hand - 1 minute sprint

I was going to add one for when Rick dramatically eye fucks the camera, but that happens so often that I would die before the end of my workout.

Anyway, the moral of the story is, I'm happy I finally found a way to enjoy cardio.  I look forward to the elliptical now, because it's 45 minutes of uninterrupted zombies and gore.

So thank you to AMC for the glorious creation that is The Walking Dead.  I love you all so very much.

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