Sunday, June 1, 2014


Before I started working out and eating healthier, I was warned.  I can't say I went into this blind.  No less than half a dozen people told me to prepare for serious feelings.  

Drawing lovingly borrowed from Allie Brosh at  Go check her out, she's effing hilarious.

So you think you are prepared.  After all, people warned you!  There would be tears; oh so many tears.  After all, you already cry all the time anyway: when you're overtired, when you're overwhelmed, when your husband is overwhelmed, when your dog looks cute, when that Pure Michigan commercial with the dad and daughter fishing comes on, at the end of every episode of The Dog Whisperer, listening to every single Ray Lamontagne and Ben Harper song ever recorded, when you have PMS, if you have a headache, if you need a nap...honestly, it doesn't take much to make you cry.  And not, like, cute crying, with a few little tears that don't even smudge your mascara (if you wore any) that you can dab away with a little lace trimmed hanky.  NO.  YOU ARE A STRAIGHT UP UGLY CRIER ON A REGULAR BASIS.  THIS IS THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE IN COMMON WITH KIM KARDASHIAN, AND YOU OWN IT.

Above: You, crying.

What you will be completely UNprepared for, however, is the first time you almost cry during a workout.  And it won't be because the exercise is too hard (I mean, yeah, it's hella hard, but not like CRYING hard.  Your trainer isn't asking you to give birth or anything).  It won't be because you're proud (you are, but not any more so than any other workout).
Nope, it'll be because this is the first exercise that literally puts you in a vulnerable position.  Your hands will both be occupied, steadying the huge bar that is across your shoulders.  You will have no way of wielding off anybody who gets too close and tries to touch or harass you.
"OMG, why am I being such a freak about this?" is what you will be thinking to yourself as you try blink back the one tear that's trying to escape.  You're at the gym, for god's sake...what do you think is going to happen?  Everyone is nice and there are security cameras everywhere!  Your trainer is literally 2 feet from you, ready to jump in should anything go awry.
You will get over it, tell your trainer this exercise is scary for you, and do it anyway.
Then, you will go home and think about why you feel this way.  Years of verbal assaults from strangers have left you feeling vulnerable to strangers, and vulnerable to physical threats, as well (even if the physical threats don't actually exist).  You like being able to deflect blows (mostly with your words or middle fingers). While having all four limbs in use while working out is nothing foreign to you, this particular exercise is the first time you've been unable to step off a machine or throw a dumbbell to the ground in an instant if you need to make a quick getaway.
You will realize that this really is mostly a mental battle, and you have a lot of crap to get over.
You will get over it, and do it anyway. :)

1 comment:

  1. Way to ROCK IT Angie! You are a huge inspiration! :D Thank you for sharing your journey!!
